College of Wooster: Introduction to Yoga

with Alana Pratt, E-RYT-200, BA


Welcome to Introduction to Yoga - this is where you will find your weekly yoga/meditation practices each Monday.

I hope you find the practices to be supportive at this unique time.  

Enjoy your practice time and be well.

~ Alana

Assignment One:

Assignment Two:

Assignment Three:

Assignment Four:

Assignment Five:

Week Six:

The two short videos below go together - they are part of the same short yoga practice.  Enjoy!

The two practices below can be paired together or practiced individually.  The first is a short, guided seated meditation practice.  The second is a tutorial of sorts - spotlighting one particular restorative yoga pose.  You will need a bit of wall space to be able to practice the restorative pose.  Take good care, be well, and enjoy your practice time! ~ Alana